
epycride is a non-profit platform for roadbike enthusiasts.

responsible for the content on this site is a carefully and handpicked editorial staff team.
every single team member is an experienced road biker with an annual performance of at least 5.000k without taking any performance enhancing substances or using any kind of mechanical doping gadgets.

strictly speaking, this guarantees nothing regarding minor errors in content or orthography.
when it comes to cases of borderline humor, we stand for a zero tolerance position, borrowed from a former triple roadbike world champion: why so serious?

for further informations on any details about whatsoever do not hesitate but also do not panic. just contact us! we promise you we will not ignore you.

but it may happen that we are somewhere out there riding around.
which makes time precious. you know!?

in case of urgeny: 
m. sammer
eduard richter gasse 13; 8010 graz; 
+43 699 154 66 78